The General Assembly, a time for members to liaise with their colleagues and make decisions pertinent to the functioning of the CEL/ELC.
The General Assembly is held once a year, and is composed of all the active, associate, and honorary members of the CEL/ELC. Associate members and honorary members are present only in an advisory capacity, while active members have voting rights. The powers entrusted to the General Assembly include approving budgets and accounts, electing and dismissing Board members, amending the articles of the association, dissolving the association, and expelling members from the association (as laid out in Article 10 of the CEL/ELC Statute).
The general meetings are chaired by the president of the association or, in his or her absence, by an appointed member of the Executive Committee. Members who are unable to attend the assembly can choose to be represented there by another active member by proxy; however, no active member may hold more than three proxies at one meeting. In order to have a quorum, 30 active members must be present.
On September 20th the 26 th extraordinary GA was held remotely via Teams.